Sunday, November 9, 2008

My reasons to start blogging

I've been learning about the family history on my Mom's side for the last few years. My grandpa Leo Tennie died in 2004, and my grandma Dorathy Tennie died the day after my birthday, February 9, 2008. I spent a fair amount of time with Grandma Tennie in the 18 months preceding her death and got to talk to her about a lot of things. But even more importantly, Grandpa Tennie was a prolific writer and even more a record keeper. Since I never know what this life may hold or when I could be called home to my Lord, I should start writing now.

Moreover, I recently joined Facebook and found out just how many Degnan's there are in the nation and world. I had never heard anything about my dad's side of the family, but I was pretty sure he has no Degnan first-cousins. We got together with my parents for dinner and I learned a lot more. My mom had something my dad's sister wrote a few years ago with Degnan family history going all the way back 5 generations to Ireland! So between the information from Grandpa Tennie and Aunt Judy, I now know a little more about both sides of my family.

I'll trace the Degnan family back to Longford County, Ireland.

But, as I was reading what Grandpa Tennie wrote tonight, I noticed how he really likes to talk about his cars. And that might just be my first set of personal history.

Off on a new adventure.

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